* Our Main Pool is closed temporarily (Health Suite, Learner/Toddler Pools remaining open). All adult and child swimming lessons up to and including Wednesday 12th March are CANCELLED *
ExWell Medical was founded by Dr Noel McCaffrey as a community-based rehabilitation programme for those living with or recovering from chronic illness. The programme involves an assessment by the ExWell team and the development of a gym based or at home exercise programme. The Watershed provides supervised exercise sessions where patients can complete the programme prescribed for them by ExWell.
Any customer wishing to attend ExWell requires a referral from their GP. GPs will be familiar with this request. The GP will send a letter to UPMC regarding their patient and UPMC will contact the patient to arrange an assessment/induction session. This assessment is carried out at The Watershed by UPMC staff, who will then make exercise recommendations.
The customer attends The Watershed to carry out their exercise programme under the supervision of our gym team during our Exwell sessions.
Exwell sessions take place twice a week from 10am to 11am, on Mondays and Wednesdays. Customers can attend either one or both sessions depending on how they feel and the advice they have been given.
The cost to the patient is €220 for a twelve-week course of sessions or €80 per month, this is payable at The Watershed Reception.
For more information contact your local GP and visit the ExWell website at https://www.exwell.ie